Innovation Tales

How to Leave a Review

Your feedback makes a world of difference! We're thrilled to have you as a listener and truly value your thoughts about the Innovation Tales Podcast.If you've enjoyed our episodes, please consider leaving us a rating and review on your favorite podcasting app. It not only helps us improve but also assists others in discovering our content. We've compiled simple instructions for how to rate and review us on several popular podcast platforms.Thank you for taking the time to support our journey through the digital transformation landscape!

  1. Open the show page in the Spotify mobile app.
  2. Open the (three dot) menu and select ☆ Rate show

Note that you cannot leave a review on Spotify from a web browser. 

  1. Open the show page in the Apple Podcasts app.
  2. Scroll down to “Ratings & Review.”
  3. Select “Write a Review.”

Note that you cannot leave a review on Apple from a web browser. 

There are several ways to leave a review on Amazon:

Amazon Music does not have a button for reviews yet. 

While YouTube does not have a review system, subscribing to the Innovation Tales channel is the most powerful way you can support us. Subscriptions help boost our visibility significantly. You can also like our videos, leave comments, and share our content to further increase our reach and impact. These actions collectively contribute to our channel’s growth and help us bring more insightful content on the human side of digital transformation to a broader audience.